7 Major Difference Between Infiltration and Percolation
Compiled by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 04, 2020
Infiltration and Percolation are closely related since they both refer to the water flow through soil and rock cavities.
They are both intrinsic properties of geologic formations and also important processes of the water cycle.
Nevertheless, a clear distinction exists between these two terms.
We will start with their definitions, pin-point their disparities along the way, and conclude with a tubular representation of the differences.
Let’s begin with infiltration.
Infiltration is the downward entry of water into the soil or rock surface.
When rain or snowmelt hits the ground, It may either infiltrate the soil or continue across the land as runoff.
Infiltration rate is a measure of the rate at which a particular soil is able to absorb water.
It is measured in inches per hour or millimeters per hour with an instrument called infiltrometer.
The maximum amount of rainwater that can enter a soil in a given time is called the soil’s infiltration capacity. When this maximum is reached, the soil becomes saturated.
Infiltration is a surface phenomenon therefore it is governed by soil surface conditions.

water infiltration occurs at the surface and subsurface level
Percolation is the downward movement of water through soil or rock layers due to gravity and capillary forces.
After water infiltrates the soil surface, it continues to move downwards through different layers of the soil.
This internal downward movement through the soil layers is what is referred to as percolation and not the initial surface entry.
Hence, infiltration occurs on the soil surface, after which the water percolates downwards through the soil profile to the saturation zone.
Percolation rate is the speed at which that water moves through different soil layers. In other words, it’s the speed at which percolation occurs.
This speed can also be measured in inches per hour but with an instrument called Lysimeter.
Percolation is an important process required to replenish aquifers
They are different underground geologic formations but the aquifer is responsible for holding groundwater in the saturation zone.

The table below groups the differences into key sections for easy understanding.
DEFINITION | Downward entry of water into the soil or rock surface. | Downward movement of water through soil or rock layers |
SPEED OF PROPAGATION | Initial surface infiltration occurs at a faster rate than percolation rate. | Percolation occurs at a much slower speed. |
SYMBOL | Infiltration = (f) Initial surface infiltration = (vo) Maximum infiltration /Infiltration capacity = (fc) | Simply represented with the letter (P) |
OCCURRENCE | A surface and sub-surface phenomenon. | An underground phenomenon. |
MEASUSRING INSTRUMENT | Measured with an Infiltrometer | Direct and accurate measurements is obtained using a Lysimeter. |
IMPORTANCE | Replenishes soil water deficiency. | Replenishes underground aquifers. |
PRACTICAL APPLICATION | In the medical field, a procedure called Infiltration anesthesia is used for minor surgical and dental procedures. | Common household application is the coffee Percolator. A type of coffee maker in which hot water is forced, either by boiling action or pump, up into a filter basket that holds coffee grounds. |
DEFINITION | Downward entry of water into the soil or rock surface. | Downward movement of water through soil or rock layers |
SPEED OF PROPAGATION | Initial surface infiltration occurs at a faster rate than percolation rate. | Percolation occurs at a much slower speed. |
SYMBOL | Infiltration = (f) Initial surface infiltration = (vo) Maximum infiltration /Infiltration capacity = (fc) | Simply represented with the letter (P) |
OCCURRENCE | A surface and sub-surface phenomenon. | An underground phenomenon. |
MEASUSRING INSTRUMENT | Measured with an Infiltrometer | Direct and accurate measurements is obtained using a Lysimeter. |
IMPORTANCE | Replenishes soil water deficiency. | Replenishes underground aquifers. |
PRACTICAL APPLICATION | In the medical field, a procedure called Infiltration anesthesia is used for minor surgical and dental procedures. | Common household application is the coffee Percolator. A type of coffee maker in which hot water is forced, either by boiling action or pump, up into a filter basket that holds coffee grounds. |
Despite the differences between infiltration and percolation, they are both required to recharge underground aquifers.
Groundwater is the water present beneath the earth’s surface in soil pore spaces, underground bedrocks and in the fractures of rock formations.
It is different from surface water – water that exists on soil surfaces.
Groundwater accounts for approximately 30% of fresh water on earth.
Groundwater is the water present beneath the earth’s surface in soil pore spaces, underground bedrocks and in the fractures of rock formations.
It is different from surface water – water that exists on soil surfaces.
Groundwater accounts for approximately 30% of fresh water on earth.
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