What is Surface Water? – Sources, Types and Uses (explained)

What is Surface Water? – Sources, Types and Uses (explained)

What is Surface Water? - Sources, Types and Uses (explained)

Compiled by Stanley Udegbunam ||updated Nov 19, 2020



Surface water is any body of water that exists on the earth’s surface like streams, creeks, rivers, wetlands, and reservoirs.

The ocean is also considered as surface water.

Surface water is a major component of the water cycle.

Rivers and creeks are surface water examples

Streams, Rivers and Creeks are all examples of surface water.


Precipitations like rainfall and snowmelts combined with water runoff are the major source of surface water.

Surface runoff is driven downhill by gravity to water bodies.

As the climate warms in the spring, snowmelt runs off towards nearby streams and rivers contributing to an increase in surface water level.

Surface water is lost by evaporation and seepage through the ground.

Others are used by plants and animals for survival.

A major distinction between surface water and groundwater is that:

Surface water is water above ground level while groundwater exists below ground level as their name implies respectively.

These two-water reservoirs can feed into each other.

Surface water can seep underground to become groundwater and groundwater can resurface on land to replenish surface water.

Groundwater seepage is most commonly seen in the form of springs.

By nature of its surface existence, surface water is more susceptible to microbial contamination than groundwater, and so is an important cause of waterborne illnesses like cholera.

Surface water source

Rainfall: A major source of surface water


There are three types of surface water.

They are:

  1. Perennial surface water
  2. Ephemeral surface water
  3. Man-made surface water
surface water - river

Perennial or permanent surface water persists throughout the year i.e. it contains water at all times.

Examples are rivers, swamps, and lakes.

Ephemeral or semi-permanent refers to bodies of water that are only present at certain times of the year.

Ephemeral surface water includes small creeks, lagoons, and water holes.

Man-made surface water is found in artificial structures or infrastructure designed by humans such as lakes, dams constructed wetlands, and artificial swamps.


Approximately 70% of Earth’s surface is covered by surface water.

Water bodies serve many critical functions for the environment and for human life.

Listed below are some of the uses of surface water.

  • It is an important source of drinking water and is used for the irrigation of farmland.

In some Africa villages, surface water from rivers and streams serves up to 90% of the water needs.

surface water uses

Surface water is used for various domestic tasks.

  • Fresh surface waters sustain ecological systems and provide habitat for many plant and animal species.
  • Surface water is used for wastewater treatment and employed in industrial use.
  • Used for recreational purposes like swimming and fishing.
kids swimming on surface water

young boys expressing happiness and having a good time at the river.

  • The surface water held by dams can be used for renewable energy in the form of hydropower. 
  • Fresh surface waters also influence the extent and condition of other water resources, including groundwater, wetlands, and coastal systems downstream.


The downward movement of water into the soil is called infiltration.

It is also part of the water cycle.


The downward movement of water into the soil is called infiltration.

It is also part of the water cycle.

What is Seepage? – Meaning, Factors, and Effects (explained)

What is Seepage? – Meaning, Factors, and Effects (explained)

What is Seepage? – Meaning, Factors, and Effects (explained)

Compiled by Stanley Udegbunam || Nov 18, 2020



In hydrology, seepage otherwise known as seepage flow refers to the slow movement of fluid through small openings or cracks in the surface of unsaturated soil.

The fluid fills the pores in the unsaturated bottom layer and moves into the deeper layers as a result of the effect of gravity.

Seepage is common around hydraulic structures.


Seepage flow depends on several factors that determine the level of fluid movement.

These factors include:

  • Soil porosity
  • Permeability
  • Infiltration capacity
  • Precipitation Intensity
  • Hydraulic Conductivity
  • Hydrostatic Pressure
  • Weak interlayers of geologic formations
seepage definition
  • Soil porosity

This refers to the amount of empty space in rock or soil aggregate.

These empty spaces are called pores and since they are void, such materials have water holding capacity.

Although the aim is not to store the water in the subsoil surface but to percolate it downwards.

Porosity still remains a major factor for seepage flow because water can’t seep through non-porous or compacted soil.

  • Permeability

This is a measure of the ease with which a fluid can move through porous rock.

A permeable substance is one whose pore spaces are connected to each other making it easy for fluid to flow through.

Permeability can vary over a wide range, depending on soil structure and composition.

Water seepage in sandstone, fractured igneous, and metamorphic rocks are high due to their high permeability.

  • Infiltration Capacity

This is the maximum amount of rainwater that can enter a soil in a given time.

Water will seep continuously in soil with high infiltration capacity.

  • Precipitation Intensity

The higher the magnitude of rainfall or snowmelt, the more the seepage rate.

  • Hydraulic Conductivity

This is fluid conduction through pore spaces and fractures.

In contrast to permeability, hydraulic conductivity considers both the porous medium and the flowing fluid.

Therefore it is affected by the density and viscosity of the flowing fluid.

The hydraulic conductivity of a strata influences seepage flow.

  • Hydrostatic Pressure

As groundwater level rises, water in the soil creates hydrostatic pressure against your home’s foundation.

This pressure forces water into your home through the tiniest cracks in your basement’s floor and walls.

  • Weak interlayers of geologic formations

Weak interlayers indicate loose structure, weak intergranular bonding, and low strength.

The presence of a weak interlayer serves as channels of water flow, resulting in deformations and cracks at different locations in underground bodies.

Underground water seeps through these openings into beds of lakes, wetlands and stream channels.

The presence of weak interlayers and groundwater are common adverse geological conditions in tunnels.

seepage meaning


  • Seepage flow from weak interlayers in underground structures like dams and tunnels indicates to a large extent its level of structural instability and a major concern in geoengineering.
  • Many failures of underground openings have been reported to be closely related to a weak interlayer nearby.
  • Incident flow from wells or drainage facilities can also be described by the physical principles of seepage flow.
  • In engineering, flow processes such as those that occur in seepage flows are used in filter technology. In this case, fluid flows through a pore space for the purposes of cleaning or separation of media.
  • Seepage in an upward direction reduces the effective stress within the soil.
  • Unfortunately, water seepage in buildings can lead to serious structural issues such as foundation sinking or settlement and ultimately, its collapse altogether.

  • If your basement has underground windows, then chances are you’re susceptible to seepage. Clogging, cracking, and improper installation may allow water from the soil to seep into the well, preventing it from draining correctly.

Effects of seepage


Water seepage occurs at the surface of the soil through small cracks and openings.

After seepage flow, the water percolates downwards through different geological formations and this is how aquifers are recharged.

While seepage can occur at the surface level, percolation occurs at a much deeper depth.

You must be wondering… What then is the difference between seepage and infiltration right?

Infiltration is the downward movement of water into the soil. It also occurs on the surface like seepage.

But seepage is not restricted to just a downward difference as water can also seep in the horizontal direction.

It’s the process by which water leaks through a porous substance and it’s a slower process.

Seepage is influenced by pressure difference so it can flow in any direction.

Underground water also seeps through cracks in aquifers and rocks into river beds or streams.

At this point, surface evaporation can occur which will leads to the saturation of the cloud and further lead to the condensation of precipitates, the cycle continues.

Therefore, seepage is part of the water cycle.

How to fix water seepage in home buildings?

In almost all cases, you shouldn’t perform repairs on leaks yourself.

These problems are likely too big for you to tackle alone.

Contact your local professionals; they can help you avoid costly work that results from rookie mistakes.

This seepage prevention guide by real seal can also be a helpful resource: water seepage prevention

seepage leaks

Basement water seepage


The study of the distribution, flow, and quality of underground water is called hydrogeology.


The study of the distribution, flow, and quality of underground water is called hydrogeology.

7 Major Factors Affecting Infiltration (explained) – Afrilcate

7 Major Factors Affecting Infiltration (explained) – Afrilcate

7 Major Factors affecting Infiltration (explained)

Compiled by Stanley Udegbunam ||updated Nov 16, 2020

In today’s article, we’ll be looking at the 7 major factors affecting infiltration.

But before then, Let’s have a quick overview of infiltration.


Overview of Infiltration

Infiltration is the downward movement of water into the soil.

It occurs when precipitation or surface water penetrates the soil surface.

Infiltration rate is a measure of the rate at which a particular soil is able to absorb rainfall or irrigation.

Infiltration and Infiltration rate are often used interchangeably.

The higher the infiltration rate the faster the infiltration and vice-versa.

The maximum amount of rainwater that can enter a soil in a given time is called the soil’s infiltration capacity.

When this maximum is reached, the soil becomes saturated.

Factors affecting Infiltration

There are various factors affecting infiltration. 

The 7 major factors are:

  1. Precipitation level
  2. Soil Characteristics
  3. Vegetative cover
  4. Slope of land
  5. Soil saturation
  6. Evapotranspiration level
  7. Human activities



1. Precipitation Level 

Among the various factors affecting infiltration, precipitation level is often referred to as the most contributing factor.

Precipitations like rain and snowmelt infiltrate the ground surface to the water bed.

High intensity, duration, and amount of precipitation; will lead to greater infiltration.

Precipitation Level

High precipitation – greater infiltration

2. Soil characteristics 

The soil characteristics influence capillary forces and adsorption;

The rate of infiltration on the soil surface is largely dependent on the porosity and permeability of the soil profile.

Water infiltrates faster into large pore spaces of coarse subsoils.

For continuity of water percolation, the pore spaces should be interconnected.

This prevents run-off after the initial stage of water adsorption.

soil characteristics

Porosity refers to the amount of empty space or pores within a given material.

While Permeability refers to how connected pore spaces are to one another.

If the material has high permeability then the pore spaces are connected to one another allowing water to completely flow through.

However, if there is low permeability then the pore spaces are isolated and water is trapped within them.

If a soil is both permeable and porous, infiltration rate is increased.

3. Vegetative cover

vegetative covers

Vegetative cover can either increase or decrease infiltration.

Vegetation coverage protects the soil surface from the impact of raindrops.

Therefore, it will take a longer time before raindrops have direct contact with the soil surface.

The infiltration rate is therefore reduced.


On the other hand, vegetation root system and organic matter crumbles soil structure and improves its permeability.

In this case, the infiltration rate is increased.

Therefore the type of vegetative cover has a role to play in either increasing or decreasing the soils infiltration rates.

Slope of the land

Infiltration is faster in areas with flat land surfaces compared to steeply-sloped surface where the water will run off quickly.

slope of land

Steeply-sloped surfaces encourage surface water runoff and in critical cases leads to erosion.


5. Soil saturation

Process of infiltration

Soil becomes saturated whenever it reaches its infiltration capacity.

Infiltration capacity is the maximum amount of rainwater that can enter a soil at any given time.

Once this maximum level is reached, the excess water will overflow as surface runoff.

6. Evapotranspiration level

Different crops have varying stomata distribution, sizes, internal resistance to water transport.

These independent properties have its effect on the transpiration of crops.

Regions with higher evapotranspiration levels will imply a faster pull of water from the soil surface by crop root through infiltration.

factors affecting infiltration

7. Human activities


Raking a land

Prominent in urban setting; soil surface often gets compacted due to road construction, operation of tractors and large farm machineries.

This reduces both the porosity and permeability of the soil leading to a drastic decrease in infiltration rates.

Poor soil management reduces infiltration rate and makes it difficult for water to penetrate the soil.

Would you like to know how best to improve soil infiltration inorder to achieve maximum yield product?

see this article: 5 Best Ways to Improve infiltration rate

Over to You…

 There you have it… the 7 major factors affecting infiltration✨.

Despite the fact that these are the main factors, I’m sure there are other minor factors out there.

so I’ll like to hear from you…

Can you think of any other factor affecting infiltration?

Share your thoughts and answers with us in the comment section below.

Infiltration Comment

5 Best Ways to Improve Infiltration Rate (Proven)

5 Best Ways to Improve Infiltration Rate (Proven)

5 Best Ways to Improve Infiltration Rate (Proven)

 by Stanley Udegbunam

updated Nov 16, 2020

Improve soil infiltration
To understand how best to improve infiltration rate of soil, let us first have a quick overview of both infiltration and infiltration rate.

And also see why it is important to improve our soil infiltration rate.



Infiltration is the downward movement of water into the soil.

The surface phenomenon is governed by soil surface conditions and it occurs when precipitation or surface water penetrates the soil surface.

On the other hand, Infiltration rate is a measure of the rate at which a particular soil is able to absorb rainfall or irrigation. 

Soil infiltration rate

planting on rich African soil

Infiltration and Infiltration rate are often used interchangeably.

The higher the infiltration rate the faster the infiltration and vice-versa.



Poor soil management reduces infiltration rate and makes it difficult for water to penetrate the soil.

Most of the surface water will move downslope as surface runoff causing erosion and washing off soil nutrients.

As a result of this, less water will be stored in the soil for plant growth.

This weakens soil structure, causes a reduction in soil organic matter, and yield rate will drastically reduce.

Thankfully, this soil defect isn’t a permanent feat and it can be readily rectified.

The next sub-heading will guide you on how to improve your soil infiltration rate in order to regain its maximum efficacy.



The 5 proven ways to improve water infiltration into the soil are:

  1. Avoid soil compaction through controlled traffic
  2. Plant Cover Crops on a scheduled basis.
  3. Ensure Crop Rotations for Row Crops
  4. Incorporate a Nutrient Management Plan
  5. Reduce or eliminate tillage practice
To have a clearer understanding, we’ll take a look at each of these points in turns.

1.     Avoid soil compaction through controlled traffic

The wheels of heavy farm machinery compacts the soil causing the aggregate particles to be closely packed together.

This greatly prevents the infiltration of water into the soil.

But does it means that you shouldn’t use machineries for farm operations when needed?

Of course, you are free to make use of machinery, they save time and increases efficiency.

But how about driving these machineries only through a designated path so that the soil compaction will be limited to just this pathway.

Now this is what we refer to as controlled traffic.

Controlled traffic is the practice of running farm machinery over a designated path in the field.

The machinery follows the same path from event to event, year to year, so that compaction resulting from such passes will be confined to the smallest possible proportion of the field.


controlled traffic

can you see the designated pathway for farm machinery in this field?

Approximately 80% of soil compaction from wheel traffic occurs on the first pass of a tire.

The second pass of a tire will cause less compaction if it is run over the same track rather than a new area.

Compaction reduces soil porosity which results in lesser infiltration.

Compaction not only diminishes soil quality but has an energy cost as well.

Controlled traffic saves energy because wheels get better traction on compacted soil by following a particular route.

farming practices

In conclusion, controlled traffic implies:

  • reducing the number of times heavy equipment is used on a field.
  • Using heavy machinery only on designated paths or between rows.

With controlled traffic, soil compaction will be reduced and infiltration rates will spring up.


2.     Plant Cover Crops on a scheduled basis.

To improve infiltration rate, it’s advisable to grow cover crops.

Cover crops are plants that are planted to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested.

Cover crops are commonly legumes and grasses but may be comprised of other green plants.

Surprisingly, cover crops have a wide array of benefits with no serious drawbacks.

They are extensively used to:

  • Improve biodiversity by increasing the variety of species in a given area.
  • Slows down the velocity of surface water thereby making more time for infiltration.
  • Prevent soil erosion by protecting the soil from droplet impact (under sprinkler’s irrigation)
  • Provide nutrients to the soil, and improve soil physical properties in just one growing season.

Cover crops reduces surface runoff hence they are called “living mulches”.

Mulch is a layer of organic material, such as crop residue, that is left on the surface of the soil.

They are left on soil surface to prevent water runoff and protect the soil from the damaging effects of heavy rainfall.

Confused about the word “runoff”? See our comprehensive article here: water runoff

Legumes as cover crops

cover crops

Cover crop timing

When cover cropping for long periods of time, combine small grain (cereal ingredients like oats, barley, rye) with legumefor best result.

Legumes are nitrogen-fixing plants. Examples are peas and vetch.

When cover cropping for a shorter period of time, consider green manure crops and quick-growing crops that will outcompete weeds.

Examples of such crops include buckwheat and field peas.

There are times when a farmer might decide to not plant any crop till the next farming season or don’t have enough time to raise a crop.

Instead of leaving the farmland idle, a healthy practice is to plant a cover crop.

Of course, you won’t make any profit from planting a cover crop, but it will strengthen the soil by releasing nitrogen.

It  will also open up compacted pores depending on the type of cover crop.

The farmer will therefore spend less money on fertilizers in the next planting season. 


What happens when a cover crop is fully grown and the farmer wants to plant in the occupied space?

The conventional technique is to mow down the cover crop and allow it to dry.


cover crops

cutting down cover crops (conventional technique)

Once dried, the remaining organic matter is usually tilled into the soil.

Alternatively, some progressive farmers in drought-prone areas favor a no-till method, in which the residue from the cover crop is left on the soil as a mulch layer.

Growing cover crops is most times seen as a secret weapon to healthier soil.

However, best results are achieved if growing cover crops are combined with tillage reduction and erosion control measures.

3.     Crop Rotation for Row crops

Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons.

Crop rotation gives various nutrients to the soil.

A traditional element of crop rotation is the replenishment of nitrogen through the use of green manure in sequence with cereals and other crops.

A basic principle of crop rotation is not to grow the same thing in the same place two years in a row.

Crop rotation
By alternating deep-rooted and shallow-rooted plants, soil structure is enhanced and the infiltration rate is improved.

4.     Incorporate Nutrient Management Plan

To improve infiltration rate, it’s necessary to incorporate nutrient management plans.

Nutrient management involves using nutrients as efficiently as possible to improve productivity while protecting the environment.

Application of animal manures or composts at recommended rates helps increase soil organic matter.

Clay soils in commercial agricultural sites are often treated with gypsum to help break up the clay in order to make allowance for percolation.

Organic matter provides a good food source for soil microbes and increases microbial activity.

As the microbes breakdown organic matter, the pore spaces between the soil particles are increased, and thus the infiltration rate.

A good nutrient management plan will outline how nutrients are managed according to:


  • land base characteristics,
  • crops being grown,
  • type of nutrient,
  • proximity to water and
  • application methods.
nutrient management

5.     Reduce or eliminate tillage practice

Tillage is the mechanical manipulation of the soil for the purpose of crop production.

This significantly affects the soil characteristics such as soil water conservation, soil temperature, infiltration, and evapotranspiration process.

Tillage is used for seedbed preparation, weed suppression, and soil aeration.

However, it contributes negatively to soil quality since it disrupts soil structure, accelerates surface runoff, and soil erosion.

tillage practices
No-tillage or zero tillage is a farming system in which the seeds are directly deposited into untilled soil that has retained the previous crop residue.


With no-till or reduced tillage practices, the moisture conserving residue cover is strengthened and infiltration is improved.

The fact that the soil is not tilled and still permanently covered with crop residues leads to efficient erosion control.

no till practice

no-till practice

They are various factors that affect the infiltration rate of soils.

Not to worry, we have curated an article that talks about the: 7 major factors affecting infiltration

Now…Over to You!

There you have it. Our 5 best ways of improving the infiltration rate of soils.

Hope you enjoyed it😊

Now, I will like to hear from you.

Which of these 5 practices have you tried out in the past?

Can you share the results with us?

If you haven’t tried any, which practice will you consider soonest?

Share your thoughts and answers in the comment section below.

soil infiltration

What is Infiltration? (Clearly Explained) – Afrilcate

What is Infiltration? (Clearly Explained) – Afrilcate

INFILTRATION – Meaning, Process, and Infiltration rates

Compiled by Stanley Udegbunam || Nov 11, 2020



Infiltration is the downward movement of water into the soil.

The surface phenomenon is governed by soil surface conditions.

If the precipitation rate exceeds the infiltration rate, surface runoff will occur unless there are some physical barriers.

Infiltration is very similar to percolation since they both involve downward water entry.

One major thing to note is that percolation can only occur after water infiltrated the soil surface.



When rain or snowmelt hits the ground, It may either infiltrate the soil or continue across the land as runoff.

Others may remain in ground ruts or depressions before infiltrating or evaporating.

Infiltration occurs when precipitation or surface water penetrates the soil surface.

Infiltration process is similar to pouring water on a cut-out foam.

The foam soaks up the water until it can hold no more.

Any additional water poured will flow from the sides.

Infiltration is governed by two forces:

  1. gravity and
  2. capillary action.

Water moves more quickly through the large pores of sandy soil as a result of capillary action compared to its slow movement through smaller pores in clayey soil.

Small pores offer greater resistance to gravity.

The maximum amount of rainwater that can enter a soil in a given time is called the soil’s infiltration capacity.

When this maximum is reached, the soil becomes saturated.

Similar to the foam, the excess water in the soil will overflow in the form of runoff, which is surface water flowing over land.

Much of the water held in saturated soil is available for uptake by growing plants.

The plant at this level will have more than enough water to replace those lost to the atmosphere by transpiration.

Process of infiltration

what does infiltration mean in the water cycle?

Infiltration capacity is influenced by the soil type, structure, and moisture content at the start of the rain.

Confused about the word “runoff”?

See our comprehensive article here: surface water runoff


Infiltration rate is a measure of the rate at which a particular soil is able to absorb water.

Just like how fast a foam can absorb water depends on the type of foam, infiltration into the soil depends on the characteristics of that soil.

After the precipitate (rain, snowballs) hits the earth’s surface, the rate of soil infiltration is determined by two major factors:

  1. Porosity of the soil
  2. Permeability of the soil

A soil is said to be porous when it has coarse particles with large  pores.

Porosity is all about the size, shape, and packing of soil particles.

A more porous soil will lose its water content quickly to gravity.

The very small spaces of micro-pores are not as affected by gravity hence they retain water and nutrients longer.

Additionally, the more the porosity, the faster the infiltration rate.

rate of infiltration

Infiltration rates in porous and non-porous soil

A soil may be porous but not permeable. 

Permeability is a measure of the ease with which a fluid (water in this case) can move through porous rock.

It refers to how connected these pore spaces are to one another.

If the material has high permeability then pore spaces are connected to one another.

This allows for the smooth flow of water across different soil paths.

However, if there is low permeability, then the pore spaces are isolated and water is trapped within them.

For instance, in gravel, all the pores are well connected to one another allowing water to flow through easily, but in clay most of the pore spaces are blocked.

This makes water flow much more difficult in clay.

infiltration water

A more connected pores will lead to higher permeability.

Infiltration is at its peak when the soil surface is both porous and permeable. (awesome right?)

A defect in one of these factors (porosity or permeability) will hinder water from recharging the aquifer at the rate expected.

This will eventually lead to shortage of groundwater after a long period of time.

In such scenario, there are two known ways of rectifying this defect.

1. You can either mix the soil with organic matter (causes soil to form aggregate) or

2. through artificial recharge.

Soil porosity and permeability are important measurements in areas where drinking water is provided by groundwater reserves.

As the soil moves towards saturation, the infiltration capacity tends to be reached and the infiltration rate decreases.

Infiltration rate is measured in inches per hour or millimeters per hour.

Runoff happens readily with poorly managed soils because they lack strong aggregates that hold against the force of raindrops and moving water.

Such runoff can initiate erosion, with losses of nutrients and sediments.


Generally, the rate of infiltration depends on factors such as:

  • the amount of precipitation,
  • the type of soils,
  • the amount of vegetative cover over the area,
  • pre-saturation levels,
  • the topography of the land,
  • the levels of evapotranspiration in that region.


Poor soil management reduces infiltration rate and makes it difficult for water to penetrate the soil.

Do you want to know how best to improve the infiltration rate of soil?

see this article: 5 Best ways to improve imfiltration rate


Infiltration is a part of the water cycle. Once infiltrated, it becomes groundwater.

Depending on how saturated the ground is, the water can continue downwards to replenish water tables and aquifers. This is called percolation.

If there are water bodies nearby, the infiltrated water can seep into it where it’s lost back to the atmosphere through evaporation.

They are various factors that affect the infiltration rate of soils.

Not to worry, we have curated an article that talks about the: 7 major factors affecting infiltration


The study of water movement on and beneath the earth’s surface is called hydrology.


The study of water movement on and beneath the earth’s surface is called hydrology.

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