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11 Contact Materials with Highest Coefficient of Friction
11 Contact Materials with the Highest Coefficient of Friction written by Stanley Udegbunam || Mar...
What are the factors affecting the coefficient of friction?
There are only two factors that affect the coefficient of friction: The nature of the surfaces in contact and the friction type.
The coefficient of friction is constant for a given combination of material surfaces.
What is the direction of Static Friction? (with illustrations)
Static Friction acts opposite to the direction of the net applied force.
This friction type exists
6 Major Causes of Static Friction (with illustrations)
6 Major Causes of Static Friction (with illustrations) written by Stanley Udegbunam || Jan 4th,...
7 major Factors that Increase Static Friction (explained)
7 major Factors that Increase Static Friction written by Stanley Udegbunam || Jan 4th,...
⚡How is Electricity Measured? The Ultimate Guide (2021)
Electricity is measured in different units of power which include the watt, kilowatt and megawatt.
🔥 What is Thermal Conductivity?- The Ultimate Guide (2021)
Thermal conductivity refers to how highly or poorly a medium conducts heat. It is denoted by k.
What is Thermal Conduction? The Ultimate Heat Guide (2021)
Thermal conduction is the mode of heat transfer by which heat is transferred in a material medium through the microscopic movement of the particles
What Is Thermal Energy: The Ultimate Learning Guide (updated)
Thermal Energy is energy obtained from the vibration of atoms and molecules of a substance due to its rise in temperature. Thermal Energy is also known as heat energy.
Lightning 101 🌩️: The Ultimate Information Guide (updated)
Lightning 101 🌩️: The Ultimate Information Guide written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 28, 2020Table...
🌩️ 27 Mind-Blowing Facts about Lightning (updated)
Do you know that a man called Park Roy holds the Guinness Record for surviving 7 lightning strikes?⚡
What is Light Energy? 💡 The Best Illumination Guide (2021)
Light energy is energy within the range of electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eyes.
What is Kinetic Energy? The Ultimate Learning Guide (2021)
Kinetic energy is the energy possessed in a body by virtue of its motion. 🏃🏻♂️ It depends on mass and velocity.
🌱 What is Evapotranspiration? A Complete Learning Guide (2021)
EVAPOTRANSPIRATION The Complete Learning Guide written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 27, 2020Table...
What is Evaporative Cooling? Types and Benefits (updated)
WHAT IS EVAPORATIVE COOLING? ♨️ Types and Benefits written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 25,...
What is Desublimation? Process, Causes and Examples (updated)
WHAT IS DESUBLIMATION? Causes, Process and Examples written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 25,...
What is Radiant Energy? The Ultimate Learning Guide (2021)
Radiant energy ☀️ is the energy of electromagnetic waves It can be described in terms of…
☢️ What is Radiation? The Ultimate Learning Guide (2021)
Radiation is the transport of thermally generated electromagnetic waves.
This mode of heat transfer..
☢️ Radiation Symbol: The Ultimate Guide
RADIATION SYMBOL The Ultimate Guide written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 21, 2020Table of Content...
♨️ What is Evaporation? Causes, Process and Examples (updated)
EVAPORATION ♨️ Meaning, Causes, Process and Examples written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 20,...
What is Conduction? – The Best Learning Guide
CONDUCTION The Best Learning Guide written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 20, 2020 Table of Content...
What is Condensation? – The Best Learning Guide
CONDENSATION The Best Learning Guide written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 20, 2020Table of Content...
What is Heat? The Best Introductory Guide (updated)
What is Heat? The Best Introductory Guide written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 19,...
9 Major Difference Between Conduction, Convection and Radiation
9 Difference Between Conduction, Convection and Radiation written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 19,...
Kinetic Energy vs Potential Energy: 7 Major Differences
Kinetic Energy vs Potential Energy: 7 Major Differences written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 18,...
Heat vs Temperature: 9 Major Differences (updated)
Heat vs Temperature: 9 Major Differences written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 18, 2020Table of...
♨️ Evaporation vs Boiling: 13 Differences and Similarities
♨️ Evaporation vs Boiling: 13 Differences and Similarities written by Stanley Udegbunam || Dec 17,...